Friday, July 11, 2008


Peringkat Tunggal Putra

PNP Nama Daerah APR Jml TDP
1. Elbert Sie KALTIM 288.1667 13
2. Sunu Wahyu Trijati JATENG 173.7500 8
3. Christopher Rungkat DKI 167.4167 11
4. Sebastian Dacosta KALTIM 139.1667 10
5. Prima Simpatiaji JATENG 136.5833 8
6. Andery Setyawanto JATIM 116.3333 8
7. Surya Wijaya KALTIM 105.9167 8
8. Hendri Susilo Pramono DKI 103.6667 8
9. Ayrton Wibowo SULUT 101.9167 11
10. Febi Widhiyanto DKI 101.1667 8
11. Chrismayanto JATIM 100.6667 12
12. Nesa Artha DKI 93.1667 6
13. Andrian Raturandang JABAR 78.3333 8
14. Ryan Tanujoyo PAPUA BARAT 74.5833 13
15. Bonit Wiryawan JATIM 74.59.5833
16. Seno Hartono Suwandi JABAR 65.8333 10
17. M. Faisal Aidil KALTIM 60.000 7
18. Aditya Hari Sasongko DIY 55.5833 12
19. Enrico Satria KALSEL 51.4167 12
20. Yusmawan Fahmi JATENG 49.8333 4
21. Sandy Purnomo DIY 46.1667 12
22. Agung Bagus Dewantoro SUMUT 45.7500 10
23. David Agung Susanto DKI 38.0833 9
24. Chandra Widhiarta BALI 28.8333 5
25. Ganang Suryaatmaja JATENG 27.9167 10
26. Heru Prasastya PAPUA BARAT 23.0833 9
27. Anthony Tan DKI 19.2500 4
28. Ivan Regan Krijanto JAMBI 17.7500 12
29. Umardani PAPUA BARAT 17.0000 7
30. Sulistyo Wibowo JATENG 14.6667 5
31. Anshari Nursida DKI 13.5000 10
32. Eko Putro BALI 13.0000 4
33. Nyoman Mega Putra JATIM 12.1667 9
34. Samsudin Pare BANTEN 11.6667 6
35. Tito Parulian Hutauruk SUMUT 10.8333 6
36. Edy Kusdaryanto SUMUT 10.7500 5
37. Fandi Suyadi N.A.D 10.4167 3
38. Aditya Tegar JATIM 10.4167 7
39. Ardi Rahman KALBAR 10.0833 5
40. Setyo Dwi Andriyanto NAD 9.9167 4
41. Ferdy Fauzi SULUT 9.9167 4
42. Michael Christian T JABAR 9.0833 6
43. Sonny Purnomo KALBAR 8.3333 5
44. Eko Septian JATENG 8.1667 3
45. Ariya Mahendra JABAR 8.0833 6
46. Lenz Theodor DKI 8.0833 3
47. Budi Ansyori BANTEN 7.5000 3
48. Junaidi KALTIM 7.3333 2
49. Ariawan Poerbo A SULUT 6.9167 4
50. Skiva Sumual DKI 6,3333 4
51. Seno Baskoro JATIM 6.0833 3
52. M. Noor Iman NAD 5.9167 4
53. Limpad Nurachmad JATENG 5.9167 4
54. Deddy Bolly JABAR 5.9167 3
55. Rayadi Surya DKI 5.9167 2
56. Ryan Marlo JABAR 5.9167 3
57. Husain Adam JABAR 5.2500 2
58. Abigael Tulak KALTIM 5.0833 3
59. Suhendar Dinata JABAR 4.7500 4
60. Tio Lana Putra N.A.D 4.5833 2
61. Johannes Indra Tolip BANTEN 4.5833 2
62. Prihatin DKI 4.5000 3
63. Prisca Titan S JATIM 4.5000 2
64. Sandi Sugih Wijaya JABAR 4.1667 2
65. Elly Miharjo JABAR 3.9167 4
66. Bani Kohar DKI 3.5833 4
67. Andree Novianto DIY 3.500 4
68. Gusti Jaya Kusuma KALTIM 3.4167 4
69. Yanwar Dwi Putra MALUT 3.4167 3
70. Reza Amrullah JATENG 3.4167 3
71. Bangun Hartato JATENG 2.8333 2
72. Panji Bana KALTENG 2.2500 4
73. Iben Zulkarnaen BALI 2.2500 2
74. Rizal Aulawi JATENG 2.0833 2
75. Aditya Ichsandi DKI 1.9167 3
76. Firman Suharyadi JABAR 0.1667 2
77. Andreas Lukman JATENG 0.1667 2
78. Revel Yehezkia DKI 0.1667 2
79. Syarif Faturahman JABAR 0.1667 2

Sejarah PELTI

Tennis, kita ketahui, adalah permainan atau olah raga dengan menggunakan raket dan bola. Dalam olah raga yang juga disebut lawan tennis raket dipukulkan ke bola sambut menyambut - oleh seorang atau sepasang pemain yang saling berhadapan - ke seberang jaring yang sengaja dipasang di sebidang lapangan empat persegi panjang.

Tadinya, sekitar abad ke-I6, tennis dimainkan di Italia, Prancis, dan lnggris, ketika lapangan mainnya dibangun di balik dinding-dinding istana kcrajaan. Tapi tennis modern diperkenalkan oleh Mayor Wingfield di Inggris pada 1873, dan setahun kemudian oleh Nona Mary Outerhridge di Amerika Serikat. Lapangan­-lapangan permainannya pun dibangun di kedua negeri itu. Kejuaraan tennis pertama dilangsungkan di Wimbledon, kota kecil sekitar 12 km di barat daya London, Inggris. Persatuan Tennis AS didirikan, 1881. berbagai kejuaraan amatir diselenggarakan di beberapa negara, yang mengundang datangnya beribu-ribu penon­ton. Mula-mula hanya memainkan partai tunggal putra, diikuti partai tunggal putri tiga tahun kemudiannya.

Tahun 1900 adalah saat bersejarah bagi tennis. Pada tahun itulah Dwight Davis, bintang ganda AS, mcng­hadiahkan sebuah piata Perak untuk diperebutkan dalam turnamen antarnegara, yang kcmudian tenar sebagai "Davis Cup" . Dalam pertandingan internasional pertama antara AS dan Inggris, Amerika unggul 3-0.

Kian populer dan majunya olah raga tennis, tak ayal telah mendorong didirikannya "Federation Internationale de Lawn Tennis" (Federasi Tennis Intcrnasionsl) pada 1912.

Di Indonesia: Lahirnya PELTI
Besar kemungkinan, orang Belandalah yang memper­kenalkan tennis di Indonesia, walaupun tidak mustahil pula permainan ini dibawa para pelaut Inggris yang singgah di kota-kota besar Kepulauan Nusantara. Sayang arsip-arsip berbagai perkumpulan milik warga negara Belanda yang pernah berdiri di negeri ini telah hilang, hingga kita tidak bisa melacak mana di antara dua perkiraan itu lebih benar.

Namun yang jelas, di negeri mana pun, olah raga ini mulai dimainkan dan lebih dikenal di kalangan bangsawan, hartawan, dan kaum terpelajar. Juga di Indo­nesia. Apalagi di zaman penjajahan Belanda. Di masa itu hanya segelintir kaum pribumi yang mampu mengayun­kan raket tennis, sedang jumlahnya yang lebih besar terdiri dari orang Belanda dan Cina. Itu pun hanya di kota-kota besar.

Jumlah kaum pribumi penggemar tennis mulai me­ningkat pada tahun-tahun 1920-an ? seiring kian banyaknya murid-murid Indonesia mcmasuki sekolah ­sekolah menengah, khususnya di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta dan Surabaya. Mereka - umumnya para siswa Stovia, Rechrsschool, dan -NIAS - pada gilirannya memperkenalkan olah raga ini ke kalangan yang Iebih luas. Tennis pun mulai dimainkan atau dipertanding­kan dalam kegiatan berbagai organisasi pemuda di masa itu. Olah raga inipun mulai dilihat sehagai penghimpun massa, terutama oleh kaum nasionalis yang mencita­citakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Lahirnya Boedi Oetomo, 1908, dan kemudian Soempah Pemoeda, 1928, memang senantiasa menghangati setiap langkah dan gerak kaum muda di kurun itu. Maka tidak heran bila penjajah Belanda selalu mengintip dan memantau setiap gcrak-gerik pergerakan pemuda, yang nonpolitik apalagi yang berbau politik. Terhadap gerakan yang diduga kecenderungan politik, tindakan pcmbatasan segera dilakukan. Toh serangkaian rintangan itu tidak membuat kaum muda patriotik kehilangan akal. Disemangati sumpah Satoe Noesa, Satoe Bangsa, Satoe Bahasa, mereka melebur beberapa organisasi pemuda yang berpolitik ke dalam satu wadah baru yang disebut Indonesia Moeda, pada 1930.

Latar belakang lahirnya Indonesia Moeda jelas berangkat dari larangan bagi kegiatan politik yang diber­lakukan kepada mereka. Mereka berkeyakinan, hanya dengan menggerakkan aktivitas sosial masyarakat baru bisa dicapai persatuan seluruh rakyat menuju kemerdeka­an. Di dalamnya juga termasuk kegiatan olah raga. Setiap pemuda yang sehat dan ingin sehat tentu menggernari olah raga, yang di dalamnya sportivitas dan sifat kompe­titif merupakan satu sisi dari mata uang, dan pada gilirannya dapat membangkitkan patriotisme.

Semangat cinta Nusa dan bangsa ini nyatanya memang berkembang di kalangan olahragawan Indonesia, ter­masuk di antara para petennis. Pada semacam kejuaraan nasional yang diadakan oleh De Alegemeene Nederland­sche Lawn Tennis Bond (ANILTB) di Malang, Jawa Timur, akhir 1934, tiga wakil pribumi mampu berjaya. Di partai tunggal putra, dua saudara Soemadi dan Samboedjo Hoerip maju babak final, yang pertandingan akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Samboedjo. Yang lebih mengesankan adalah dua partai berikutnya, yang memperagakan keunggulan anak jajahan atas penjajahnya. Yang pertama, pasangan ganda putra Hoerip Bersaudara, yang menggilas pasangan Belanda, Bryan/Abendanon, 6-3, 6-4 di final. Juara ganda campuran juga diraih keluarga Hoerip, Samboedjo dan Soelastri, yang mendepak pasangan "penjajah" , Bryan/Nn. Schermbeek, 6-4, 6-2 ? sekaligus mencetak gelar pemegang juara tumarnen ANILIB tiga kali beruntun, 1932-19.34.

Prestasi ini tak ayal mendorong Indonesia Moeda mcngadakan Pekan olah raganya sendiri, yang berlangsung pada tiap hari ulang tahun atau pertemuan tahunannya. Tennis, tentu, termasuk di antaranya cabang-cabang yang dipertandingkan. Salah Satu di antaranya yang dilaksanakan pada Desember 1935 di Semarang - yang juga sekali­gus menjadi saat dicetuskannya pembentukan Persatuan Lawn Tcnnis Indonesia (PELTI).

Kejuaraan ini sendiri diprakarsai oleh dr. Hoerip yang diakui sebagai Bapak Tennis Indonesia. menghimpun 70 petennis dari seluruh Jawa, kejuaraan ini dipantau dan mendapat perhatian serius dari pihak kolonnial Belanda. Itu tercermin dari pemuatan peristiwa penting olah raga tennis tersebut dalam surat kabar De Locomotif 30 Desember 1935. dengan Judul yang kalau diterjemahkan berbunyi : "Kejuaraan Tennis Seluruh Jawa dari Pcrsatuan Lawn Tennis Indonesia" . Namun, di pihak lain, ini juga berarti pengakuan pihak Belanda bahwa ANILTB telah mendapatkan saingannya.

Tanggal 26 Desember 1935 kemudian dicatat sebagai kari lahirnya PELTI

Gagasan pendirian PELTI sendiri, yang dikemukakan pada Kejuaraan Tennis di Semarang itu. berasal dari Mr. Budiyanto Martoatmodjo. tokoh tennis dari Jember - ia kemudian dianggap sebagai pencetak dasar utama pendirian organisasi PELTI. Ketika mcnguraikan azas dan tujuan pendiriannya ia mcngatakan bahwa PELTI, sebagaimana organisasi kebangsaan lainnya, sama sekali "Tidal bersifat mengasingkan diri." Maka PELTI akan selalu siap bekerja lama dengan persatuan tennis manapun dan apa saja, asal atas dasar saling menghargai.

Diungkapkan pula. tujuan praktis utama PELTI adalah mengembangkan dan memajukan permainan lawan tennis di tanah air dan bagi bangsa sendiri. Dengan cara ini. Iebih jauh, diharapkan akan dicapal tali persaudaraan yang erat di antara segala perhimpunan dan pemain tennis bangsa Indonesia. PELTI juga akan menyebarluaskan peraturan permainan, memberi keterangan dan bantuan dalam pembuatan lapangan tennis. Juga meng­adakan dan mengatur serta menyumbang bagi terlaksana­nya pertandingan, di samping berusaha memasyarakatkan permainan tennis itu sendiri.

Gagasan pendirian PELTI mendapat dukungan yang memadai, khususnya di kalangan yang berani mengambil resiko berhadapan dengan pemerintah kolonial, termasuk dari kalangan yang terpandang. Di Semarang saja, para simpatisan semacam itu tidak sedikit jumahnya. Misalnya: Dr. Buntaran Martoatmodjo (yang kemudian, sejak 1935, menjadi ketua PELTI lima tahun berturut­-turut), Dr. Rasjid, Dr. Mokhtar, Dr. Sardjito, R.M. Soeprapto, Nitiprodjo, dan beberapa lainnya. Dari Para tokoh berbagai kota Iainnya, dukungan diwakili oleh: Mr. Budhiyarto Martoatmodjo (Jember), R.M. Wazar (Bandung), Djajamihardja (Jakarta), Mr. Susanto Tirtoprojo (Surabaya), Mr. Soedja (Purwokerto), Berta Mr. Oesman Sastroamidjojo, ahli olah raga tennis yang namanya terkenal di Eropa.

Pada umumnya, mereka memandang simpatik gagasan Dr. Hoerip, yang sebernarnya sudah dicetuskan sejak 1930, diilhami oleh berdirinya PSSI pada 30 April tahun itu. Tapi para tokoh tadi berbeda pendapar dalam beberapa hal, terutama mengenai saat yang tepat bagi pendirian Induk organisasi tennis Itu. Dari berbagai sikap yang lahir - revolusioner, moderat, plintat-plintut - akhirnya golongan tengahlah yang merupakan mayoritas. Pengalaman pahit saat-saat pendirian PSSI tampaknya menjadi cermin pembanding bagi para pelopor PELTI, hingga mereka memilih bersikap Iebih hati-hati meng­hadapi reaksi pemerintah Belanda - mereka tentunya tidak senang melihat setiap kegiatan yang bersifat mem­persatukan kekuatan. Para pendiri PELTI tidak Ingin organisasi yang akan mereka dirikan mati dalam kandungan. Itulah sebabnya PELTI baru berdiri lima tahun kemudian, 1935.


Chan Yung-Jan (TPE)
- Australian Open Women’s Doubles Finalist, Highest ITF World Junior Ranking No. 2

“Coach Lin was my childhood coach who taught me how to play tennis. He was the only coach that I worked with who knew the importance of fundamentals. Even until today, Coach Lin’s influence and hard work still remain in my character as a tennis player and a person. Not only he was a good coach, he was also a caring and nurturing person who was very dedicated in my development as a tennis player and as a child. I learned a lot from Coach Lin as he guided me during the most important phase of my development years, and he is still my mentor.”

Andrew Hamar (Wales) -
All American Wake Forest University

Raphael Maurer is somebody who I have worked with for several years, traveling around the USA playing ITF's and Futures for a couple of months in 2003. He helped me obtain my first ATP point whilst traveling together, in only my 4th future, and similarly helped me make into Orange Bowl in my final year as a junior. Even though I am 5000 miles away, we still talk regularly and he still helps me with my game. In terms of coaching, I have never met somebody as positive and uplifting, and I can honestly say he boosted my performance significantly, working not only my technical and tactical game, but also my mental approach to tennis. It's an impressive feat when somebody is able to manage this in my opinion. As I soon graduate from Wake Forest University having made the last 16 in all Americans and been ranked as high as 35, I hope to continue working with Raphael in whatever aspect he is able to help. Ever since he worked with me since he coached me at Van Der Meer tennis academy he has always been a coach whom I have high regard for both on and off the tennis court, as he works his players hard in both areas. It has always been the utmost pleasure to work with Raphael Maurer.

Ronald Chow (HKG)
– US College Student Athlete Scholarship Recipient, former HK Top Ranked Junior and ITF World Ranked player.

“Benny came to Hong Kong 5 years ago. He was the head coach of the junior squad. I was one of his students in the past. He started teaching the Talent Group and the National Training Squad and I was one of the team members at that time. Benny is a coach who is very good at analyzing ones’ tennis ability and skills. He was able to see what I was doing wrong and what I needed to work the most. He was very motivating to me and has been an inspiration in my previous 5 years of tennis. Benny has been such a great mentor to me not just on the court, but off the court as well. He has taught me how to become more of a mature person. Benny was one of the main reasons that I was able to obtain a scholarship from Azusa Pacific University. Benny has helped me to develop a strong work ethic on and off the court. He has helped me to develop strong relationships with other team members. He has helped motivate me to become a better person, in terms of relating to other people. I have learned also to work hard on the track and in the weight room to help improve my game. There are still many things I can learn from Benny due to his good values and character.”

Zhang Ling (HKG))
-ITF World Junior Ranking No. 18

"I would like to say how much I have appreciated Raphael's coaching during these few years. With his help, I made big improvements not only on technical skills but also learned how to train physically, take good care of my body, and be stronger mentally. He always deeply understands what the players need during daily practices of the game. In addition, he really cares about players and has a lot of respect for them and what they think. I believe he will have a great contribution to the local development of tennis."

Drew Daniel ( USA ) – Former Under 14 USA National Champion, ITF World Ranking of 61.

“I met Raphael in Kansas City when he was coaching at a local country club. I started working with Raphael when I was thirteen years old. Raphael was incredibly good at picking out my weaknesses and not only working the physical aspects of my game but also the mental side. He improved my work ethic on and off the court. I have worked with Raphael when I was a top USTA player and then again as a top 100 ITF player. I believe he is very knowledgeable as a high level coach and was a great guy to work with.”

Gilbert Wong (HKG)
– US College Student Athlete Scholarship Recipient, former HK Top Ranked Junior and ITF World Ranked player.

“It is my great pleasure to write about my coach, Benny Lin. Benny was one of the best coaches in my tennis career. His training program was very professional that had rectified my weaknesses and built up my toughness attitude. He was patient and friendly coach who treated everybody the same. Until now, Benny’s words and advices are still in my mind. These words are very useful in my character development as a successful person and a professional tennis player. Besides, he helped me to contact coaches in the States to get scholarship in universities even though after I was promoted to the Sports Institute. I have learnt to be mature under Benny’s leadership and I am very happy to be one of his students and to have Benny as my mentor.”

Leung Lok Sze (HKG)
– No. 1 in Under 14 Girls’ Division and World Junior Team player.

"I was under the coaching by Benny since I was 10. He first gave me an impression that he was very disciplined, serious, tough and rarely smiled. But after a few months, I realized that he was a very warm-hearted and caring person. When we went to the U.S. during summer in 2003 for a month participating in some local tournaments, he worked so hard that he had only few hours of sleep every night. He was the driver, tour guide, coach and baby sitter. I was very impressed by his hard work and dedication to Hong Kong junior tennis development. Throughout these years, he taught me many things about tennis, but I consider the most important two things are "never give up fighting spirit" and "respectable sportsmanship". By the way, he still owes me some ice cream."

Geraldine Leong (HKG)
– CRC Girls’ Singles Champion and Junior Fed Cup World Finals player.

“Benny was a total stranger to me about 5 years ago. But I soon got to know him well through Talent Group, a training program he started through Hong Kong Tennis Association. He is easy-going and humorous... that is when it is not fitness time. He is extremely tough during fitness time, and never lets us get away with it. But that was how I grew stronger physically and mentally, and there were huge improvements, and it had definitely shown through my match play. As time went by, he arranged all sorts of programs, enabling us to broaden our vision in the tennis world – from hard courts in the US to clay courts in Spain, it was a marvelous experience. Benny is a coach that cares about and is supportive of our tennis developments. During the Fed Cup competition, I could not have asked for a better captain as he pushed all of us to our limits, and we achieved the unthinkable. I believe he is definitely the coach all players are looking for if you have the passion for tennis!”

In an ever changing time for tennis and training methodology, we understand the importance of updating our training programs and coaches’ knowledge to meet the highest standard.
We believe we can help our players to reach the next level, regardless of their ability.

Lin Bing Chao Benny, Co-Founder & Academy Director (Chinese Taipei)
Former Head Coach and Coaching Director of the Hong Kong Tennis Association and Chinese Taipei Davis Cup Team, Benny is one of the twenty coaches in the world and the only one in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan that has International Tennis Federation (ITF) Level 3 Coach Certificate (The highest worldwide recognized rating a coach can receive). Benny also has the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) Pro 1 Coaching Certificate and ITF Level 1 and 2 Certificate.

[ More information on Lin Bing Chao ]

Raphael Maurer, Co-Founder & Head Coach (Switzerland)
Raphael Maurer was born in Lausanne, Switzerland. Ranked number 2 in the country in the 14’s, Raphael won the Winter Cup (European Team Championships) with Switzerland along side Michel Kratochvil (former top 50 ATP player). In 1993, he entered the National Training Center in Ecublens, Lausanne where he went to school in the morning and trained in the afternoon.

[ More information on Raphael Maurer ]

Lin Ming Chun, Elite Coach (Chinese Taipei)
Lin Ming Chun or better known as Coach Lin has been coaching tennis for the past 30 years in 3 different countries. Coach Lin was Benny Lin’s traveling coach for several years and was the coach who started Chan Yung-Jan (2007 Australian Open Women’s Doubles Finalist) to play tennis. Coach Lin coached and worked with Chan during her early development stages and was recognized as the coach who improved Chan’s technical base and tactical understanding. Coach Lin was named Chinese Taipei Davis Cup team assistant coach in 2000. He graduated with Physical Education Degree.

Oriol Mercadé Canals, Elite Coach & Sport Psychology (Spain)
Oriol Mercadé was born in Barcelona, Spain on January 4, 1982. From 8 to 14 years old he competed in different sports such as volleyball and football, but mainly in tennis. Then he was enrolled in different disciplines as aquatic sports (swimming, windsurf and surfing), and mountain sports (cycling and running)
[ More information on Oriol Mercadé Canals ]

Masahiko Yoshida, Elite Coach (Japan)
Yoshida is a certified tennis professional of United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) and Japan Tennis Association (JPTA) and is the only Japanese coach who has ITF Level 1 coaching certificate. He was the former head Coach of Mongolian Tennis Association and Samoan Tennis Association. Moreover, Yoshida was the tennis director of Drysdale / Kim World Tennis Academy at Weston Tennis center in Florida, USA.
[ More information on Masahiko Yoshida ]

Vuk Zelunka (Croatia)
Vuk Zelunka is a PTR Professional and ITF Development certified coach. Vuk graduated from university in Croatia with a degree in Sports and Coaching Education. From 2000 – 2003, Vuk coached and traveled with Croatia’s top ranked juniors competing on the European Under 14 Circuit.
[ More information on Vuk Zelunka ]

AGUSTINA WIBISONO (INDONESIA)-Elite Coach & Physical Trainer
Prior joining HKITA, Agustina coached many Indonesian National Team players, including Sandy Gumulya (WTA rank 484) and Septi Mende (WTA rank 599). Moreover, she also coached Denise Harijanto who is now currently the No. 1 player for Buffalo University in the US, receiving full scholarship.
[ More information on Agustina Wibisono ]

Prior joining HKITA, Agustina coached many Indonesian National Team players, including Sandy Gumulya (WTA rank 484) and Septi Mende (WTA rank 599). Moreover, she also coached Denise Harijanto who is now currently the No. 1 player for Buffalo University in the US, receiving full scholarship.

Agustina started coaching in 1993 at Kemayoran Tennis School Jakarta, the biggest tennis school in Indonesia. On top of daily on court coaching she also traveled with the elite and national junior players to overseas tournaments.

Agustina was also appointed by the Indonesia Tennis Association (PELTI) as the non Playing Captain for the World Junior Tennis Indonesian girls team in Hiroshima, Japan (1997), and in Jakarta, Indonesia (2001). One of her highlights in her coaching career is when she was selected by the ITF as a touring coach for the ITF Asia Team 14 & Under to European Summer Circuit (2001, 2002).

As a player, Agustina was one of the best junior players in Indonesia and later became Indonesian national player. Her highest WTA ranking was No. 320 in doubles (1990). Her most outstanding achievement was at the 1987 multi event South East Asian Games in Indonesia where she won 2 gold medals, for mixed doubles and women team. Agustina also participated at the World University Games in Sheffield-GBR (1991).

Agustina has ITF Level 1 (Beginners/ Intermediate) and Level 2 (Tournament Players) Coaching Certificate. Agustina also obtained her Basic and Advanced Level Coaching Certificate in Jakarta in cooperation with KNLTB (Netherlands Tennis Association).

To further improve her coaching knowledge, Agustina had attended many Coaches Workshops, such as Asian ITF Coaches Workshop Jogjakarta, Indonesia (1996), Singapore (1996), Kuala Lumpur (2000). Worldwide Coaches Workshop in Bangkok-Thailand (2001), and National Coaches Workshops.

Tamarine Tanasugarn

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Tamarine Tanasugarn
Nickname(s) Tammy
Country Flag of Thailand Thailand
Residence Bangkok, Thailand
Date of birth May 24, 1977 (1977-05-24) (age 31)
Place of birth Los Angeles, CA
Height 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in)
Weight 63 kg (140 lb/9.9 st)
Turned pro 1994
Plays right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Career prize money US$ 2,562,692
Career record: 434-331
Career titles: 2 WTA, 11 ITF
Highest ranking: 19 (13 May 2002)
Grand Slam results
Australian Open 4R (1998)
French Open 3R (2002)
Wimbledon QF (2008)
US Open 4R (2003)
Career record: 191-186
Career titles: 5 WTA, 3 ITF
Highest ranking: 15 (13 September 2004)
Grand Slam doubles results
Australian Open 4R (2000)
French Open 3R (2002, 2004, 2007)
Wimbledon 3R (1996, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2007)
US Open QF (2004)

Infobox last updated on: 7 July 2008.

Tanasugarn on the right in this photo, with her doubles partner Su-Wei Hsieh.
Tanasugarn on the right in this photo, with her doubles partner Su-Wei Hsieh.

Tamarine Tanasugarn (Thai: แทมมารีน ธนสุกาญจน์; born May 24, 1977) is a professional female Thai tennis player. She was born in Los Angeles, California, U.S. and turned professional in 1994. She has been in the top twenty in both singles and doubles.

Tanasugarn's highest WTA ranking has been world number 19, a ranking she achieved on May 13, 2002. She has won two singles titles. She was briefly a doubles partner with Maria Sharapova, with whom she won two titles in 2003. She won a total of five doubles titles. Her highest doubles ranking was world number 15 which she achieved on September 13, 2004. With Liezel Huber, she reached the 2004 U.S. Open doubles quarterfinals.

In her career, Tanasugarn has defeated former number ones Amélie Mauresmo[1] and Jennifer Capriati[2]. She has also beaten Mary Pierce[3]. All of these women were Grand Slam champions.

Tanasugarn is also a regular competitor for the Thailand Fed Cup team, helping the team join the World Group II in 2005 and 2006.

At 2008 Wimbledon, Tanasugarn knocked out number two seed Jelena Jankovic to advance to her first Grand Slam singles quarterfinals, where she lost to the eventual champion Venus Williams.



[edit] WTA Tour titles (7)

[edit] Singles (2)

Grand Slam (0)
WTA Championships (0)
Tier I (0)
Tier II (0)
Tier III (1)
Tier IV & V (1)
No. Date Tournament Surface Opponent in the final Score
1. 9 February 2003 Hyderabad, India Hard Flag of Uzbekistan Iroda Tulyaganova 6–4, 6–4
2. 21 June 2008 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands Grass Flag of Russia Dinara Safina 7-5, 6–3

[edit] Singles finalist (6)

No. Date Tournament Surface Opponent in the final Score
1. 18 November 1996 Pattaya City, Thailand Hard Flag of Romania Ruxandra Dragomir 7–6, 6–4
2. 12 June 2000 Birmingham, England, United Kingdom Grass Flag of the United States Lisa Raymond 6–2, 6–7 (7), 6–4
3. 1 October 2001 Tokyo, Japan Hard Flag of the United States Monica Seles 6–3, 6–2
4. 7 January 2002 Canberra, Australia Hard Flag of Israel Anna Smashnova 7–5, 7–6(2)
5. 11 February 2002 Doha, Qatar Hard Flag of the United States Monica Seles 7–6(6), 6–3
6. 9 October 2006 Bangkok, Thailand Hard Flag of the United States Vania King 2–6, 6–4, 6–4

[edit] Doubles (5)

  • 1998: Auckland (w/Miyagi)
  • 2000: Shanghai (w/Osterloh)
  • 2001: Bali (w/Dominikovic)
  • 2003: Tokyo [Japan Open] (w/Sharapova)
  • 2003: Luxembourg (w/Sharapova)

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Women's Tennis Association | Top ten female Asian singles tennis players as of 7 July 2008
1. Flag of India Sania Mirza (33 )
6. Flag of the People's Republic of China Peng Shuai (48 )
2. Flag of Thailand Tamarine Tanasugarn (37 )
7. Flag of the People's Republic of China Yan Zi (50 )
3. Flag of Japan Ai Sugiyama (39 )
8. Flag of Uzbekistan Akgul Amanmuradova (61 )
4. Flag of the People's Republic of China Zheng Jie (40 )
9. Flag of the Republic of China Chan Yung-jan (69 )
5. Flag of the People's Republic of China Li Na (46 )
10. Flag of Japan Akiko Morigami (96 )
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Angelique Widjaja

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Angelique Widjaja (born 12 December 1984 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia) is an Indonesian tennis player.

Widjaja's highest WTA rankings have been No. 55 in singles and No. 15 in doubles. She was the highest-ranked Indonesian player in 2004, and also participated at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.

She became the first Indonesian to win a Wimbledon title when she defeated Dinara Safina (sister of men’s player Marat Safin) 6–4, 0–6, 7–5 to claim the junior girls title in 2001.

The same year she became the lowest-ranked and youngest player to claim a WTA singles title when she won the Wismilak Open in Bali before she turned 17. Her ranking has since jumped up, and by the following year she was already in Top 100 (senior). However, she still played in the junior circuit for the first half of 2002, and clinched two more girls' grand slam titles (Australian Open doubles with Gisela Dulko and French Open singles).

At the US Open 2002, she beat Anna Kournikova at the first round, 6–3 6–0, in only 44 minutes.

Unfortunately, injuries have affected her performance in 2004, and forced her to withdraw from tennis until 2006. Her comeback was not very successful, however, although she did manage to reach Top 100 for doubles.[citation needed]



[edit] Personal life

Her parents' name are Rico Widjaja (father) and Hanita Erwin (mother). she plays with her right hand (two handed backhand) and her favourite types of court are Hard Court and Clay Court. She was coached by Meiske H. Wiguna and Deddy Tejamukti. She is affectionately referred to as Angie and she is 175 cm tall.

[edit] Prize Money and Career Titles

  • WTA Tour singles: 2
  • WTA Tour doubles: 2
  • ITF single: 1
  • ITF doubles: 5

[edit] Prize Money

  • Presents to 2001: US$ 31,713
  • Presents career until 2007: US$ 531,952

[edit] Ranking

  • Ranking WTA singles until 2007/08/27: 390
  • Ranking WTA doubles until 2007/08/27: 180
  • Ranking WTA race-singles until 2007/08/27: 9999

[edit] Win Loss Record and Ranking History

  • Win Loss Record - Singles Career: 118-86
  • Win Loss Record - Doubles Career: 96-67

[edit] Ranking History

[edit] Awards

  • Achievement Award 2001 - the Asian Tennis Federation
  • The Best Women Athlete of Indonesia 2001 by Bola and RCTI
  • Favorite Women Athlete of Indonesia 2001

[edit] External links

Women's Tennis Association

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The Women's Tennis Association, formed in 1973, is the principal organizing body of women's professional tennis. It organizes the WTA Tour, the worldwide professional tennis tour for women, which has for sponsorship reasons been known since 2005 as The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour. Its counterpart organization in the men's professional game is the ATP.

The Women's Tennis Association can trace its origins back to Houston, Texas when the inaugural Virginia Slims event was won on 23 September 1970. Billie Jean King was a major figure in the early days of the WTA.



[edit] Tournament categories

The WTA divides the main women's tournaments into several tiers:

  1. Grand Slam Events (4)
  2. Season-ending championships (Sony Ericsson Championships): with Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) prize money.
  3. Tier tournaments:
    1. Tier I (minimum prize money of $1,340,000): There are ten (10) Tier I Tournaments.
    2. Tier II (minimum prize money of $600,000): There are sixteen (16) Tier II Tournaments.
    3. Tier III(minimum prize money of $175,000): There are seventeen (17) Tournaments in this Tier.
    4. Tier IV (minimum prize money of $145,000): There are twelve (12) Tournaments in this Tier.

Ranking points are also available at certain International Tennis Federation (ITF) events below Tier IV (see next section).

[edit] Ranking

The organization releases a weekly ranking of the players's performance in the tour. Players' ranking points are counted how they fare on individual rounds of a tournament (round points). The following table gives the distribution of "round points" (note that these values were changed for the 2007 season):

Description W F SF QF R16 R32 R64 R128 QLFR Q3 Q2 Q1
Grand Slam (Singles) 1000 700 450 250 140 90 60 2 31 25 15 2
Grand Slam (Doubles) 1000 700 450 250 140 90 2 - 24 - - -
SE Champs (Singles) 750 525 335 185 105 - - - - - - -
SE Champs (Doubles) 750 525 335 185 - - - - - - - -
Tier I $3,000,000 (Singles) 500 350 225 125 70 45 30 1 20 - 10 1
Tier I $3,000,000 (Doubles) 500 350 225 125 70 1 - - 15 - 10 1
Tier I $2,000,000 (Singles) 465 325 210 115 65 40 25 1 15 - 10 1
Tier I $2,000,000 (Doubles) 465 325 210 115 65 1 - - - - - -
Tier I $1,340,000 (56S) 430 300 195 110 60 35 1 - 15 - 10 1
Tier I $1,340,000 (28S/32D) 430 300 195 110 60 1 - - 20 15 10 1
Tier I $1,340,000 (16D) 430 300 195 110 1 - - - - - - -
Tier II $650,000 (28S) 300 215 140 75 40 1 - - 15 10 5 1
Tier II $650,000 (16D) 300 215 140 75 1 - - - - - - -
Tier II $600,000 (56S) 275 190 125 70 35 20 1 - 10 - 5 1
Tier II $600,000 (28S) 275 190 125 70 35 1 - - 15 10 5 1
Tier II $600,000 (16D) 275 190 125 70 1 - - - - - - -
Tier III $225,000 (32S) 165 115 75 40 20 1 - - 5 - 3 1
Tier III $225,000 (16D) 165 115 75 40 1 - - - - - - -
Tier III $175,000 (56S) 140 100 65 35 20 10 1 - 4 - 3 1
Tier III $175,000 (30/32S, 32Q) 140 100 65 35 20 1 - - 8 4 3 1
Tier III $175,000 (30/32S, 16Q) 140 100 65 35 20 1 - - 4 - 3 1
Tier III $175,000 (16D) 140 100 65 35 1 - - - - - - -
Tier IV $145,000 (32S, 32Q) 115 80 50 30 15 1 - - 7 3 2 1
Tier IV $145,000 (32S, 16Q) 115 80 50 30 15 1 - - 3 - 2 1
Tier IV $145,000 (16S, 16D) 115 80 50 30 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $100,000 + H* (32) 75 55 40 20 10 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $100,000 + H* (16) 75 55 40 20 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $100,000 (32) 70 50 35 18 9 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $100,000 (16) 70 50 35 18 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $75,000 (32) + H* 65 45 29 16 8 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $75,000 (16) + H* 65 45 29 16 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $75,000 (32) 55 39 25 15 7 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $75,000 (16) 55 39 25 15 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $50,000 + H* (32) 45 32 20 12 6 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $50,000 + H* (16) 45 32 20 12 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $50,000 (32) 35 25 16 9 5 1 - - 3 2 1 -
ITF $50,000 (16) 35 25 16 9 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $25,000 (32) 25 17 12 7 4 1 - - 1 - - -
ITF $25,000 (16) 25 17 12 7 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $10,000 (32) 6 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - -
ITF $10,000 (16) 6 4 3 1 1 - - - - - - -

(*) “+H” indicates that Hospitality is provided

A player's point total is calculated on a weekly basis, counting only tournaments played within the last year. The top 17 tournaments of the past year count toward a player's point total, with the lowest of the player's scores being dropped from the total. The exceptions are the four grand slam tournaments and the mandatory Tier I tournament, which always count toward the player's point total, even if their score in the slam is lower than another score achieved in a non-slam tournament. All players who qualify by ranking for acceptance into the main draw of a Grand Slam or the mandatory Tier I tournament will be entered automatically. Any player who is accepted into one of these tournaments and subsequently withdraws will automatically receive zero points for the tournament and will have it count as one of their best 17 tournament results.

In 1996, the WTA started awarding players "quality points", which were calculated based on the rankings of players they defeated in tournaments. This would give more points to a player who beat a top ranked player than one who beat a lower ranked player. Quality points were discontinued after the 2005 season and are no longer used.

[edit] WTA Rankings

WTA Rankings (7 July 2008)
Rk Name Nation Points +/-
1 Ana Ivanović Flag of Serbia SRB 3,828 =
2 Jelena Janković Flag of Serbia SRB 3,685 +1
3 Maria Sharapova Flag of Russia RUS 3,626 −1
4 Svetlana Kuznetsova Flag of Russia RUS 3,455 =
5 Serena Williams Flag of the United States USA 3,126 +1
6 Elena Dementieva Flag of Russia RUS 3,105 −1
7 Venus Williams Flag of the United States USA 2,606 =
8 Anna Chakvetadze Flag of Russia RUS 2,486 =
9 Dinara Safina Flag of Russia RUS 2,287 =
10 Agnieszka Radwańska Flag of Poland POL 2,171 +1
11 Vera Zvonareva Flag of Russia RUS 1,972 +3
12 Daniela Hantuchová Flag of Slovakia SVK 1,927 =
13 Patty Schnyder Flag of Switzerland SUI 1,802 =
14 Ágnes Szávay Flag of Hungary HUN 1,694 +1
15 Marion Bartoli Flag of France FRA 1,420 −5
16 Victoria Azarenka Flag of Belarus BLR 1,386 =
17 Nadia Petrova Flag of Russia RUS 1,321 +1
18 Maria Kirilenko Flag of Russia RUS 1,208 +1
19 Francesca Schiavone Flag of Italy ITA 1,201 +1
20 Alizé Cornet Flag of France FRA 1,190 −3
21 Flavia Pennetta Flag of Italy ITA 1,180 +2
22 Nicole Vaidišová Flag of the Czech Republic CZE 1,153 =
23 Lindsay Davenport Flag of the United States USA 1,115 +2
24 Tatiana Golovin Flag of France FRA 1,100 −3
25 Shahar Pe'er Flag of Israel ISR 1,077 +1
26 Katarina Srebotnik Flag of Slovenia SLO 1,022 −2
27 Virginie Razzano Flag of France FRA 1,015 +1
28 Alona Bondarenko Flag of Ukraine UKR 988 −1
29 Sybille Bammer Flag of Austria AUT 977 =
30 Caroline Wozniacki Flag of Denmark DEN 962 =

[edit] Records

[edit] Most titles won during the open era

Pos Player Titles
1 Flag of the United States/Flag of the Czech Republic Martina Navratilova 167
2 Flag of the United States Chris Evert 154
3 Flag of Germany Steffi Graf 107
4 Flag of Australia Margaret Court 92
5 Flag of Australia Evonne Goolagong Cawley 68
6 Flag of the United States Billie Jean King 67
7 Flag of the United States Lindsay Davenport* 55
7 Flag of the United Kingdom Virginia Wade 55
9 Flag of the United States/Flag of Yugoslavia Monica Seles 53
10 Flag of Switzerland Martina Hingis 43
11 Flag of Belgium Justine Henin 41
12 Flag of the United States Venus Williams* 37
13 Flag of Belgium Kim Clijsters 34
14 Flag of Spain Conchita Martinez 33
15 Flag of the United States Serena Williams* 31
* = active player

[edit] Most titles won in a year during the open era

Before 1990 (15 +):
1. 21 - Margaret Court (1970)
2. 18 - Margaret Court (1969, 1973)
3. 17 - Billie Jean King (1971)
4. 16 - Chris Evert (1974, 1975)
4. 16 - Martina Navratilova (1983)
6. 15 - Evonne Goolagong Cawley (1970)
6. 15 - Martina Navratilova (1982)

Since 1990 (8 +):
1. 12 - Martina Hingis (1997)
2. 10 - Steffi Graf (1990, 1993)
2. 10 - Monica Seles (1991, 1992)
2. 10 - Justine Henin (2007)
5. 09 - Monica Seles (1990)
5. 09 - Steffi Graf (1995)
5. 09 - Martina Hingis (2000)
5. 09 - Kim Clijsters (2003, 2005)
9. 08 - Steffi Graf (1992)
9. 08 - Aranxta Sanchez-Vicario (1994)
9. 08 - Serena Williams (2002)
9. 08 - Justine Henin (2003)

[edit] Oldest winners of a title during the open era

  1. Billie Jean King: 39 yrs, 7 mos, 23 days (1983 Birmingham)
  2. Martina Navratilova: 37 yrs, 4 mos, 2 days (1994 Paris Indoors)
  3. Margaret Court: 34 yrs, 4 mos, 26 days (1976 Melbourne)

[edit] Youngest winners of a title during the open era

  1. Tracy Austin: 14 yrs, 0 mos, 28 days (1977 Portland)
  2. Kathy Rinaldi: 14 yrs, 6 mos, 24 days (1981 Kyoto)
  3. Andrea Jaeger: 14 yrs, 7 mos, 14 days (1980 Las Vegas)

[edit] Most matches won during the open era

Pos Player Wins
1 Flag of the United States/Flag of Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 1,442
2 Flag of the United States Chris Evert 1,304
3 Flag of Germany Steffi Graf 902
4 Flag of the United Kingdom Virginia Wade 839
5 Flag of Spain Arantxa Sanchez Vicario 759
6 Flag of the United States Lindsay Davenport* 751
7 Flag of Spain Conchita Martínez 711
8 Flag of Australia Evonne Goolagong Cawley 704
9 Flag of the United States Billie Jean King 695
10 Flag of Argentina Gabriela Sabatini 632
11 Flag of the United States Pam Shriver 625
12 Flag of Czechoslovakia Helena Sukova 614
13 Flag of France Nathalie Tauziat 606
* = active player

[edit] Singles career win-loss ratio during the open era

Rank Player Wins Losses Ratio
1. Flag of the United States Chris Evert 1,304 144 .901
2. Flag of Germany Steffi Graf 902 115 .887
3. Flag of the United States/Flag of Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 1,442 219 .868
4. Flag of the United States/Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Monica Seles 595 122 .830
5. Flag of the United States Serena Williams* 386 81 .827
6. Flag of Belgium Justine Henin 493 107 .821
7. Flag of Russia Maria Sharapova* 304 70 .813
8. Flag of the United States Venus Williams* 496 117 .809
9. Flag of Switzerland Martina Hingis 548 133 .805
10. Flag of Belgium Kim Clijsters 427 104 .804
* = active player

Minimum of 25 tournaments played. The source for this table is the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) as of July 9, 2008. For reasons that the WTA does not explain, the list omits players such as Billie Jean King (.818 win ratio in 850 matches), Evonne Goolagong Cawley (.810 win ratio in 869 matches), and Margaret Court.

[edit] Grand Slam title leaders

Player Australia France Wimbledon United States Overall Total

Margaret Court 11 8 2 5 4 4 3 2 5 5 5 8 24 19 19 62
Martina Navratilova 3 8 1 2 7 2 9 7 4 4 9 3 18 31 10 59
Billie Jean King 1 0 1 1 1 2 6 10 4 4 5 4 12 16 11 39
Margaret Osborne duPont A A A 2 3 0 1 5 1 3 13 9 6 21 10 37
Louise Brough Clapp 1 1 0 0 3 0 4 5 4 1 12 4 6 21 8 35
Doris Hart 1 1 2 2 5 3 1 4 5 2 4 5 6 14 15 35

[S=Singles; D=Doubles; MD= Mixed Doubles; A = never played in the event]

[edit] Earnings

Rank Player Prize Money (US$)
1. Flag of the United States Lindsay Davenport* 22,084,868
2. Flag of Germany Steffi Graf 21,895,277
3. Flag of the United States/Flag of Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 21,626,089
4. Flag of the United States Venus Williams* 20,288,478
5. Flag of the United States Serena Williams* 20,247,546
6. Flag of Switzerland Martina Hingis 20,130,657
7. Flag of Belgium Justine Henin 19,461,375
8. Flag of Spain Arantxa Sanchez Vicario 16,942,640
9. Flag of the United States/Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Monica Seles 14,891,762
10. Flag of Belgium Kim Clijsters 14,764,296
* = active player
  • As of July 7, 2008
    • 188 players have earned at least U.S. $1 million since 1970.
    • 34 players have earned at least U.S. $5 million since 1970.
    • 15 players have earned at least U.S. $10 million since 1970.
    • 8 players have earned at least U.S. $15 million dollars since 1970.
    • 6 players have earned at least U.S. $20 million dollars since 1970.

[edit] See also